Tuesday, 4 September 2012

What are Bunions

Bunion Treatment – What are bunions?
So what are Bunions and why do they cause so much hassle.

For those interested in bunion treatment, you might wonder, “What are bunions”? Bunions (hallux valgus) are bony prominences on the outside edge of the big toe where the toe meets the main bones of the foot. Bunions are a combination of three medical conditions that include enlargement of soft tissue; deformities in foot bones, called hallux abducto valgus; and a third condition called metatarsus primus varus. The hallux condition is a rotated big toe that either pushes toward the second toe, sits on top of it, or beneath it. Metatarsus primus is where the bone in the foot connecting to the big toe, rotates outward. This is the hard bone you feel when you touch a bunion. Understanding the biomechanics behind their formation helps in bunion treatment

Bunion Treatment – What causes bunions?

Bunion treatment isenhanced by understand how they are caused. There are many reasons for bunions:

  • Hereditary – almost 70% of people with bunions have a family members with bunions
    • You do not inherit the bunion, itself
    • You inherit the foot structure leading to bunions
  • Bunions may be caused by high heels that force the big toe to collide into the tips of shoes
  • Wearing shoes that are too tight create conditions for bunion formation
  • Flat Feet
  • Arthritis
  • Poor foot biomechanics, such as over pronation (one of the primary causes)
  • Abnormal movements, including ballerinas who dance on their toes
  • Being a woman (bunions are more prominent in women)

 For Bunion Solutions visit the Bunion Pain Footstore where we have a huge stock of products designed to stop bunion pain and corns and callous.

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